Swarm Capture and Management
Paul Berry is a fifth generation native of Columbus and lives in the suburb of Box Springs. A retired business owner, Paul spent almost 40 years building and running an electronic security alarm company, now managed by his son. His interest in honeybees 35 years ago was influenced by a neighbor who had three hives. His first attempt at beekeeping ended in disaster as he watched his first hive float down a flood swollen creek. Too busy raising a family and building a business, Paul put beekeeping on hold for a few years.
In preparation for retirement, Paul again began keeping honeybees. Putting education ahead of implementation, his second attempt was much more successful. With over 60 hives, he can’t decide if he is a hobby beekeeper or a sideliner. Although honey is a great reward, Paul’s passion is learning about this fascinating creature and teaching what he has learned to new beekeepers.
Paul has been a long time active member of the Georgia Beekeepers Association. He has been President of the Chattahoochee Valley Beekeepers Association for four years and loves chairing his clubs’ Education Committee.