2019 Georgia Beekeeper of the Year, Bobby Chaisson, will discuss late winter and early spring hive management. This critical time in the bee yard can make or break the upcoming season.

2019 Georgia Beekeeper of the Year, Bobby Chaisson, will discuss late winter and early spring hive management. This critical time in the bee yard can make or break the upcoming season.
Topic: Supering Up – Going from a hobby to a sideline bee business. Steve, a Georgia Master Beekeeper, will discuss the concepts and needs for stepping up your game from a few hives in the back yard to creating a part time, money making venture.
Beekeeping Equipment! Bruce Morgan operates Morgan Apiaries, is the current President of Lake Country Beekeepers Association and the 2013 Georgia Beekeeper of the Year.
Selina Bruckner is a native of Switzerland and PhD student at Auburn University studying the toxicology of neonicotinoid insecticides on honey bees.
Her talk is: How Mites and Neonics Affect Food Glands and Why It Matters
Meetings begin at 7PM. They are free and open to the public. Please see Directions to open, free parking. The lot is just 2 turns off the Loop Rd.
Cyndi Ball is proprietor of the Lazy B Farm established 2003 in Statham, Ga. An educator, agribusiness owner, Certified beekeeper, Master Gardener, certified Ag teacher in the state of GA, and a self-taught farmer, Ball began offering farm workshops at her home in 2009. In 2011 she launched the National Ladies Homestead Gathering, a non-profit organization focused on sharing homestead and sustainable knowledge and building face to face communities with like-mind women around the country.
Cyndi will present Treasures of the Hive at our meeting.
Meetings begin at 7PM. They are free and open to the public. Please see Directions to open, free parking. The lot is just 2 turns off the Loop Rd.
In place of our regular monthly meeting the current members of the club are invited to the New and Improved Regional Honey Bee Jamboree. Details have been emailed to all current (paid up) members. If you haven’t received the details, check your spam folder or contact your club president.
Trees To Plant For Bees
When it comes to perennial nectar sources, it’s hard to beat trees. In this session you’ll learn about the primary nectar-bearing trees of the Southeast and methods for encouraging their growth and health.
Jimmy Gatt is a Georgia Journeyman Beekeeper and Board member of Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association. He partners with Trees Atlanta to promote summer-blooming, nectar-bearing trees.
Harvesting Honey to Win Awards.
Cory Momany will present a hands-on demonstration of his honey harvesting approach. The approach is designed to produce a high-quality product that can win awards in taste or Welsh honey competitions, where quality and presentation is more important. He will discuss alternative methods of honey collection, equipment, costs, and benefits/liabilities, and labeling ideas. Cory is a Certified beekeeper working on his Journeyman certificate and an officer in the Oglethorpe County Bee Club (secretary) as well as the Eastern Piedmont Beekeepers Association (Vice president).
Meeting is Monday, June 3rd at 7PM. Free and open to the public! Directions
The Secret Life of Drones– Drones are the Rodney Dangerfields of the bee world, they get no respect! Come learn why the male bees are worth their keep, and how they positively impact their colonies.
Julia Mahood is a Master Beekeeper and graphic artist from Atlanta. She is the president of the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association, coordinates the Georgia Prison beekeeping programs for GBA, and was named Georgia Beekeeper of the Year in 2018. Julia has been teaching beekeeping at Lee Arrendale Women’s prison for three years and is passionate about the therapeutic and reformative values of beekeeping.
David McDaniel has been a beekeeper for 24 years and started out with 4 bee hives. Today runs 150-200 colonies in the peak season and raises his own queens using many different methods and teaches others the art of grafting cells. Additionally he talks to many bee clubs, schools and private organizations and covers several topics about bees. In April David will be covering a variety of methods for working spring splits and swarm management.
David will talk about Swarm Management and Making Spring Splits. Directions