August 5th 2024 Another Year In The Beeyard

A follow on to Olivia Menard’s introductory talk “A Year in the Beeyard”, this talk will go through a seasoned beekeeper’s calendar of events.  Olivia will share more advanced strategies for timing different Integrated Pest Management actions, and setting up for queen rearing success throughout her typical year in the beeyard.

Olivia Menard is a UGA Master Beekeeper in Lawrenceville, GA. An Aerospace Engineer by trade, Olivia began keeping bees to practice mindfulness. Bees have since become an integral part of Olivia’s path toward learning about where our food comes from and looking for ways to make her food more local and sustainable.
Olivia is Regional Director for the Metro Atlanta Area of the Georgia Beekeepers Association where she also serves on the Legislative Committee. She is a member of Beekeepers Club of Gwinnett, Eastern Piedmont Beekeepers Association in Athens-Clarke County, and Tri-County Beekeepers club in Banks County.

Please join us at 7pm. 275 Cleveland Rd, Bogart GA 30607.

April 1st, 2024 Meeting with Ryan Williamson

“Hacks and Techniques From an Experimental Beekeeper”.
Ryan Williamson of Sourwood Farm is a second generation beekeeper running a full time operation of 250 colonies with his family in Earlysville, Virginia. A proclivity to tinker and experiment has resulted in endless humbling mistakes but also occasional success. The presentation will focus on those tips, unique management techniques and equipment modifications that have proven useful in his operation with the hope that a few might be useful in yours.

February 5th 2024, Karen Palmer

Nucs vs. Packages: Common ways to start a bee colony and the pros and cons to both. Karen Palmer is owner of Honey Please bee farm which focuses on producing quality nucs and queens, bee removals, and other custom requests. Karen is “Queen bee” of around 300 colonies in Emanuel and Washington county. Former Regional Director for Georgia Beekeepers Association (GBA). Now studying native stingless honeybees in Central America where she has also worked with Africanized bees.

January 8th 2024, Janelle Dunlap

Janelle Dunlap is social practice artist and curator based in Metro Atlanta. As an encaustic painter and beekeeper, her art practice centers on sustaining healthy relationships between the human and animal worlds. Janelle is the inaugural Resident Beekeeper at Georgia Institute of Technology’s Urban Honeybee Project, where she is researching the healing properties of honeybee vibrational frequencies.

Janelle Dunlap
Golden Ratio II

March 6th 2023, Bob Binnie

Bob owns Blue Ridge Honey Company and has a long history of sharing his great knowledge freely to local and far-away groups as well as his YouTube Channel. He will talk with us tonight about Issues With Old Comb and Toxic Interactions In Our Colonies.