April 7, 2025 The Hopkins Method of Queen Rearing

Joe Conti will be our guest speaker talking about the Hopkins Method of Queen rearing. This method is a good way for backyard beekeepers to raise a few queens without grafting.

In 2024, Joe had an article published in Bee Culture magazine which was on the Hopkins Method. He also has a book available, “The Hopkins Method for Raising Queens in your Small Apiary”.

Joe Conti, a Bronx NY, USA native, has lived in the state of Georgia in the USA for 35 years. He has a MS degree in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Florida and worked as a Wildlife Biologist specializing in wildlife diseases at both the Universities of Florida and Georgia. He has published on a variety of issues related to wildlife, including articles in the American Bee Journal. He also taught Biology and Environmental Science in Middle and High School. A beekeeper for 26 years, Joe has served as President of the Oglethorpe County (GA) Bee Club, and in various positions for it and the Eastern Piedmont Beekeepers Association (Athens GA). He currently is enjoying retired life (and his bees!) on his 6-acre parcel in rural Oglethorpe County.